
Tours & Walks 2024

Please note that all tours listed below will start at the North Lodge information centre, unless otherwise stated.

Regular Sunday tours of the Cemetery

Guided tours of the Cemetery will be offered every Sunday from March through to October, and then fortnightly in November and December.

The tours start at 2.00pm at the North Lodge Information Centre. A suggested donation of £10 is appreciated, but we welcome whatever you are able to contribute. You can book online and pay in advance via Eventbrite, or simply turn up on the day and pay by card or cash.

We can on request, also arrange group, general, or special interest tours on a wide range of topics relevant to people buried in the Cemetery. A minimum of ten people is usually required and a donation of £12.00 per person is sought. Refreshments are available from the cafe at the North Lodge. Some examples of specialist tours:- Some Military Connections; Victoria Cross Holders; The Young, Gifted & Dead (includes a wide range of people who died before the age of 35); Artistic Connections (includes artists, models, art collectors and critics); Chelsea Football Club founder & early directors and Officials; Women buried in the Cemetery; Sportspeople. If interested please apply to

Special intererest tours

A wide range of other guided tours will take place during the year, including our popular catacomb tours, and more are in the planning stage.
Check this page, Eventbrite, and our social media for updates.


Musical & Theatrical Tour

Saturday 21 September, 2.00pm

Learn about some of the composers, theatre managers, music hall performers, actors (including a matinee idol), vocalists, playwrights and a critic buried in Brompton Cemetery – with an added touch of gossip!
Your volunteer guide, Derek Lamden, entered show biz at the age of 12 in the original London stage production of The Sound of Music and has worked in the world of entertainment ever since. Currently, he is a guide at the Royal Albert Hall. He is accompanied on the tour by Sarah, his conjurer’s assistant, providing recorded music and photographs.
Leaving from North Lodge at 2.00pm.
Tickets are £10 per person plus £1.50 booking fee if booked on Eventbrite. Book tickets


Common Graves Tour

Saturday 28 September, 2.00pm

Walking through Brompton Cemetery you will have noticed all the grand monuments and mausolea. There are over 35,000 in the Cemetery! But what do you know of the common graves, shared by unrelated people?
Join our volunteer guide (and common grave expert) Maria for a fascinating exploration of the less famous residents of Brompton Cemetery.
Meet at the North Lodge, Brompton Cemetery (Old Brompton Road entrance).
Tickets are £10 per person plus £1.50 booking fee if reserved online, or turn up on the day with a donation. Book tickets



Scent stroll through Brompton Cemetery

The Scent Strolls will take place on the following Saturdays: 20 Jan, 24 Feb, 27 Apr, 25 May, 20 July 2024.

Join a multisensory journey with Yatlina® Scent Stroll in Brompton Cemetery. Yasmine El Ghamrawy, a certified registered aromatherapist, will guide you on a tour of the grounds. Immerse yourself in nature and discover the benefits of essential oils extracted from plants you encounter on your daily walks.
What to expect:
* Hands-on tree identification and aromatherapy exploration.
* Insightful narrative linking tradition, mythology, and modern science.
* Scent sampling and a small takeaway gift for each participant (included in entry price).
Cost £15 plus booking fee. Book tickets

The Friends of Brompton Cemetery
North Lodge East Wing
Old Brompton Road
London SW5 9JE
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3876 4278

© The Friends of Brompton Cemetery | UK Registered Charity No. 1181027 | All rights reserved

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